Thursday, June 28, 2012


I was on the road coming back from Alabama and saw this helicopter
on the back of a truck, i had to take a picture of it :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I know, i have a lot of pictures of birds, but i cant let them all go to waste:P
i increased the contrast, lowered the curves, and also made it b/w

Pelicans Flying

Some Pelicans flying over the beach
(yep, Carolina Beach, NC)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Double Ferris Wheel

This is a built in filter on my camera, i thought it made the picture
look kinda creepy. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Its a Seagull!
(at Carolina Beach, NC)


This is at Carolina Beach, NC

Life Guard Stand

Life Guard Stand with the 300 filter
(if you dont know what i mean by 300
filter, look at my previous posts
and my tutorial)


 A pelican flying over the water
(yes, this is also at Carolina Beach, NC)


This is at Carolina Beach, NC

Board Walk

This is a board walk at Carolina Beach, NC.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Eerie Dock

This is a picture of the corner of a boat dock.
i did part b/w and part color, then i moved the curves
to make the darks darker. 

Gimp "300" filter tutorial

i have been using this filter a lot lately so i thought i might as well
make a tutorial on how to do it.
In case the annotations dont show up.....
once adding the second layer (duplicated from the first)
and desaturated, you lower its opacity to 40.
then you duplicate that layer and on the new layer, 
raise the opacity to 100, then set it to overlay

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summit in the lake

i actually did more to this picture than you would think. 
there was a leash on him (see where his collar is pulling?)
so i used the clone, heal, and burn tool to get rid of it.
i also used that "300" filter that i have been using a lot lately 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


i looked out the window and saw this bird eating, thank goodness 
i had my camera near.

sorry about the reflection on this one....i was taking it through the window

Colorful Abstract Background

I know...i have done this before,  but i love how it looks! 
(i think i can get away with it cause i used different colors)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


i went out to the lake earlier this week and took this picture with my cell phone 
(its only 1.3 megapixels which is why the quality isnt too great).
my phone does this weird thing with all of my pictures - it automatically adjusts
the contrast - it normally doesnt look good...but i kinda like it on this picture
with the lights and darks.

More Hydrangeas

this bright purple hydrangea was in my back yard

Friday, June 1, 2012